4 Easy Ways to Set Your CX Team Up for Success

Hi Friends,

Busy week in NYC this week. Jess and I kicked off our first-ever Empath Club dinner, a series of intimate dinners catered specifically for CX and Retention leaders who put their hearts first. 

We hosted the dinner at Shmoné in NYC with an all-star cast of leaders from brands like Coach, Sol De Janeiro, Figs, AS Beauty, Lacoste, Victoria Beckham, Caraway, and more. It was sponsored by this week’s newsie sponsor, Siena AI, the perfect sponsor for the empathy-first space we are creating.

Where should we head next?

Between the dinner, The Lead, and a Yotpo offsite, this week has been hectic (and fun as hell.)

We also launched one of our spicier marketing campaigns since I joined, the Email WalkAway campaign.

We’re not normally in the fashion business, but we did just drop the hottest new kicks to help you walk away from your current email provider. 

No, really.  We created custom Nikes to get you moving.

As someone who spent most of my career thinking there was only one valid option for ecom email marketing and that migrating was an impossible task, this campaign was super fun to be part of to challenge the status quo. 

Yes, the shoes are legit, and yes, these boots are made for walking (away from your current provider.)

Ok, enough dilly-dallying.

In the last few days, three folks asked me for advice, and all three had the same question.

“I just landed a new job as a CX leader. What should I do in the first few days and weeks to put myself in the best place to succeed?”

In the last few months, we chatted a ton about how AI (such as Siena) will help give you back more time once it can handle monotonous tasks.

As a leader, what should you do with that time to set yourself up for success? 

This week’s newsie is brought to you by Siena AI!

This week, we’re spotlighting Siena AI, the pioneer and category creator of Empathic Autonomous AI Agents.

What Makes Siena Stand Out:

  • Empathic Interactions and Brand Consistency: Siena AI excels in delivering empathic interactions that resonate deeply with customers while maintaining your brand's unique tone of voice. It ensures every interaction feels personal and on-brand, whether addressing complaints or celebrating customer milestones.

  • Seamless Integration and Human-Level Reasoning: Embedded directly into your helpdesk, Siena AI functions like a natural extension of your team. It applies human reasoning to understand and solve customer issues comprehensively and autonomously, from routine inquiries to complex problems requiring nuanced decisions like refunds in Shopify or subscription modifications in Recharge. 

  • Superior Conversational Capabilities: With Siena AI, conversations flow naturally, mirroring human dialogue. This isn’t your typical chatbot experience; it’s about engaging customers with interactions so fluid they feel like conversing with a human, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.

Some recent fantastic webinars on the success stories:

  • Madhappy: “The one thing I'll leave everybody with is if you're apprehensive about AI, just test it out. I have not seen a single person disappointed by it. And I know besides ourselves, I know a number of companies using Siena and I've not heard one person have a bad experience with it. It will definitely change your customer service department for the better. 

- Todd Baxter, COO Madhappy

  • Simple Modern: “It's really difficult to tell that Hallie is not a real person for folks. I don't feel morally compromised in that. Customers are happy. We're happy and more efficient. They're getting a better customer service experience than they would have otherwise, frankly.

— Burke Lewis, Director of Ecommerce at Simple Modern

  • Bandit: "I'm very happy to say that CSAT for Siena is consistently a 5."

- Emily Shaw, Head of Operations at Bandit

Now, you might be thinking, "Why not just slap an AI add-on onto my help desk and call it a day?" Trust me, I get it. But here's the deal: dedicated AI solutions like Siena are playing a whole different ballgame.

While help desk AI add-ons might seem like a quick fix, dedicated AI platforms like Siena offer a whole new level of sophistication and customization, here's why Siena stands out:

1. Tailored Brand Voice: Unlike generic add-ons, Siena allows you to craft AI Agent personas that genuinely embody your unique brand personality. This means every interaction feels authentically "you."

2. Complex Problem-Solving: Siena can handle nuanced, context-driven conversations across all channels, beyond simple ticket deflection to provide meaningful customer engagement.

3. Continuous Learning: Siena adapts based on real-world customer interactions, constantly improving its performance to meet your needs.

4. Seamless Integration: Instead of operating in a silo, Siena integrates smoothly with your existing tech stack, creating a unified CX ecosystem.

5. Expert Partnership: With Siena, you're not just getting a tool—you're gaining a team of AI experts dedicated to pushing the boundaries of CX innovation.

By choosing a dedicated AI solution like Siena, you're making a strategic investment in your CX future. It's not just about adding a feature; it's about transforming your entire approach to customer engagement.

Here's some exciting news: Siena just launched the first AI Certification Program for CX leaders. If you want to level up your AI skills and stand out in the industry, this is your chance. It's designed specifically for folks like us who want to stay ahead of the curve in AI for CX.

This certification is designed for customers and partners, but my readers get a special pass. Just apply for it here and drop my name.

Ok, let’s dive into it. 

If you are joining a new CX team as a leader, here are four things I would be sure to focus on from the start:

1. Lead from the Front

CX is stressful and chaotic, and it's easy for leaders to stay hands-off and distanced from the day-to-day messiness. 

But to build a trusting and healthy team, you must be in the weeds with them, or at least willing to do so when sh!t hits the fan. 

When your team sees you rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands dirty, it fosters trust, respect, and a feeling that you get what you ask them to do. 

I was a CX associate just a few years back and remember being asked to do things ridiculously manual and thoughtless. I remember thinking, "This person has zero value for my time and has never sat in my seat. They don’t even fully understand what they are asking of me.”

Most CX leaders were in the same seat a few years earlier, and as leaders who should be empathy-first, it’s pretty astonishing how quickly they lose it.

As a leader, my rule was always, “I would never ask someone to do something I’d not be okay doing myself.” 

Frankly, I think that’s a pretty solid mojo to live by if you want to build a team excited to crush. 

2. Inspire Passion

The difference between a mediocre support team and an impactful one that leaves lasting impressions lies solely in the passion and energy brought to the team from the top down.

Great customer experiences often don't require a massive budget, but they demand a genuine investment in caring. 

When you inspire your team to give a damn about each customer interaction, it transforms ordinary moments into extraordinary ones. 

Your enthusiasm and dedication can ignite a fire in your team, pushing them to go above and beyond in every customer interaction.

Think about the last time you received exceptional service. It probably wasn't because of a fancy title or an expensive setup; it was because someone cared enough to make you feel valued. As a new CX leader, your goal should be to inspire this level of commitment in your team. Show them their efforts matter, and you'll cultivate a team that's not just good but exceptional.

3. Master the Basics

Before diving into grand plans and innovative strategies, ensure that the fundamentals of your CX operations are rock solid. This means having clear processes, well-crafted macros, and a consistent tone in your communications. 

The basics form the backbone of a smooth customer experience; without them, even the most creative initiatives can fall flat.

Processes: Review and streamline your existing workflows. Ensure that every team member knows the steps for handling different types of inquiries and that these steps are documented and easily accessible. Simplified and efficient processes reduce response times and enhance the overall customer experience.

Macros: Create and refine your macros. While they save time, they should not be generic or robotic. Customize them to address specific customer needs and include personalized touches. A well-crafted macro can significantly affect how customers perceive your brand.

Tone: Maintain a consistent and friendly tone across all communications. Your brand voice should be clear and reflect your company’s values. Whether through email, chat, or social media, consistency helps build a recognizable and trustworthy brand.

Focusing on these basics ensures that your team can handle the routine tasks efficiently, freeing up time to focus on more complex and impactful interactions.

4. Be the Boss They Need

Balancing leadership with empathy is crucial. While being approachable and supportive is essential, you must make tough decisions when necessary. I have not always been the best at this. 

Understanding your team's dynamics and ongoing issues is essential to creating a productive and positive work environment.

Know Your Team: Take the time to understand each team member's strengths, weaknesses, and unique contributions. This knowledge will help you delegate tasks effectively and create opportunities for professional growth.

Address Issues Promptly: If there’s a bad apple or someone not pulling their weight, address it sooner rather than later. One person's negativity or lack of productivity can affect the entire team. Sometimes, making difficult decisions, such as letting someone go, is necessary for the greater good of the team and the overall work environment.

Support and Challenge: Be the boss who supports and challenges their team to grow. Set high expectations and provide the resources and guidance they need to meet those expectations. Recognize and celebrate their successes, and provide constructive feedback to help them improve.

You foster a culture of accountability, growth, and mutual respect by being the leader your team needs, not just their friend.

That’s it for this week!

Any topics you'd like to see me cover in the future?

Just shoot me a DM or an email!


Eli 💛

P.S. Looking for inspo on your next email/sms campaign? 

I know you will love this